Photo Dump!

Photo Dump!

I have been trying to get out daily with Alexis. I have really let myself go since having her. So these little outing are good for both her and I. She has so much energy to burn and well I just have a ton of fat to burn. I can't believe I have done this to myself. I weigh more than I have ever weighed. I lost weight during my pregnancy and after I had Alexis I lost all the weight plus 2lbs in 6 days. And then some how along the way I gained all of it plus a lot more. I f I had more money I would start WW again. Well maybe soon.

As some of you know I was let go of my job at Kinderbeez. Its a long story and I just prefer to let it go. My old boss has to live with the kind of person she is and that is all I am going to say on that subject.

The good news is I should be starting a new job in the next couple of weeks..So yay. It is at Winners. It will be a perfect place for me. I can work evenings and weekend which is perfect so that I can be home with Alexis during the day and Glen can be with her at night. So I am hoping to get the job.

So back to Alexis and I. We are trying to explore a new place each day. I'm thinking of buying her one of those leashes. You know the ones that look like a back pack. I always said I would never leash my kid. But I have never had a child like my daughter. The energy she has is out of this world. She goes from one place to the next in seconds. So so busy. Every once in awhile she will stop to give me a little squish and kiss. Awwwweeee

My eyes are getting very heavy, so I am tuning out. Think I might watch an episode of True Blood. I just downloaded season one.

Before I go....Some pics of the park with my baby girl

What a beautiful day for a little walk with the family and the pooch. The sun was shining. Just a beautiful afternoon. We drove out along the Cowichan river and hit a couple of trails. I just love walking through the forest. The tree's just bring some kind of peace and tranquility.

Alexis decided that she was not being carried. This little girl walked the whole entire way. It was such fun watching her explore and look at all the wonders of the forest. It was very hard for her to have to leave. Maybe next weekend we can do it again.

Here are some pics of our little adventure.

Intro to my family.

I should probably start out with a picture of my husband and myself

We have been together for 13 years. I met Glen when I was 18 years old. He was friends with my brother. Yes that's right My brother. At first I started seeing him because well my brother was dating my friend. So payback I guess. I didn't feel a connection right away. I was friends with a girl who was all about how someone looked. But lets face it she was drop dead gorgeous and attracted those insanely great looking guys. (But you know what most of those great looking guys have huge attitude issues.
So for awhile I listened to my friend. I avoided seeing Glen. But I knew that was not the kind of person I really was. I was never about what was on the outside. I preferred to let what's inside count.

Glen saved me a hard time in my life. I was 18 and living on my own. My Dad and his wife kicked me out of the house the year before that. I grew up quickly when I should have been enjoying just being a teen. I still lived like a teen. I could never pay rent on time because welfare always felt the need to over look me. And when they did help. It was always late. Extra money I had went to partying and smoking pot. I was on a downward spiral.

Glen would come to see me every weekend. Take me for breakfast and dinner. He was a sweet guy. Guess this is why I fell in love with him. Believe it or not. We still were not a couple.
A few months later Glen had the opportunity to rent a place that a family member lived in. I was asked to come be a room mate. And I jumped at the offer. We lived together maybe 3 weeks before it happened. LOVE..LOL

And a few months later my son was conceived.
Andrew weighed 7lbs 3.5oz
He was such a happy and easy going baby. Napped twice a day. Went down for the night very easily. Always smiled and just loved everyone.

Now my son is 12 years old. 13 in June.
He is the most kind and caring soul I know. He is a champ at karate and is learning to play electric guitar. He is just the best son a mother could ask for. He has his pre teen moments. But what kid his age doesn't. But at the end of the day, he still gives his mom and dad a hug and kiss before bed. I love him so much.

8 years later...Baby number 2 is on his/her way. I can't describe how thrilled I am. I have waited for this day to come.
I am plagued with problems right from the start with this pregnancy. Bleeding from 5 weeks up until 13 weeks. This little bean doesn't get to join this family but instead we will have to wait and see him/her in heaven. I look forward to that day.
It was a long road of TTC after the loss of my baby. Fertility doctors and lots of blood draws. I truly felt like having another baby was hopeless. It was never going to happen. I finally gave up. I had been a SAHM for 11 years. I finally decided a part time job was in order. And off I went. I found a little job at a Childrens Consignment Store in town. Pregnant women and babys were everywhere. I mean everywhere. Wouldn't you know it. I ended up pregnant after only a month of working. And this was one of my best pregnancies. NO bleeding at all. Thats not to say there wasn't scares along the way. But I managed to work up until 33 weeks.

My little girl was due Dec 17,2008
She arrived Dec 18,2008
Weighing 8lbs
Alexis has been a joy to all of our lives. She has completed this family.
What a difference there is between two children. Alexis started out a good sleeper. Then at 5 months it all went down hill. Now when I say good sleeper I meant good NIGHT sleeper. She was not a napper at all. Always so alert. This girl never wanted to miss a thing. She naps good now and sleeps all night. But she is very very busy all day long. And attitude. I think she will be a head strong adult. She is already a head strong 1 year old.

Thank you to my children for blessing my life. I love you both more that words can describe.

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